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Spitfire Nero Ti Hardtail Yellow Ohlins

The Spitfire: Roost Nero Ti Hardtail in Ohlins

The Spitfire: Roost Nero Ti Aggressive Hardtail Wrapped in Ohlins Yellow This is a super sexy build we did to pair raw Ti with a classic Ohlins fork colourway: Silver Titanium with Yellow and Black. We think she turned out incredibly!  Yellow is not the most popular colour on bikes. Pairing silver and yellow makes […]

Roost Nero: Raw Ti and Black

Roost Nero Aggressive Hardtail: Raw Ti and Black She’s classic, paired back but you just know she rips when let loose. This classic build has some race inspired components complimenting the natural beauty of brushed raw titanium to make a fast bike that turns heads without being loud. Frame Roost Nero Aggressive Hardtail 2021 model […]

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